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This campaign is against violence and systemic racism towards black people. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

And broader issues such as racial profilingpolice brutality, and racial inequality.

Those are part of the bigger issue – human rights regardless of age, ethnic origin, location, language, religion, ethnicity, or any other status.

Out in the wilds it’s easy to see we are all created equal.

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Hello, friends. Hello, white people. Hello, everyone. We have issues. Just because many of you (myself included) enjoy extended periods of time in the mountains – away from “the world” – doesn’t mean that we are absolved of societal obligations. The United States has never been great. Slavery was around until 1865. Women couldn’t vote until 1920. Race-based discrimination was legal until 1964. Same-sex marriage could be outlawed until 2015. Unarmed black people are killed in the streets and in their homes with virtual immunity to this day. The US is plagued by systemic racism. Police who commit murder and beat protesters need to be held accountable. Police are (supposedly) trained professionals whose job it is to protect and serve their communities. There’s no excuse. Have you ever seen a report of some corrupt and dysfunctional-looking country and thought to yourself, “I sure am glad I don’t have to live there.”? Guess what – that’s us. The world is looking at the US and thanking whatever god they pray to that they weren’t born here – that they don’t have to worry about being killed or beaten in the streets by their police. This is far from the greatest country on Earth. The delusion you’re immune to these issues (yes, even those of us who choose to occupy outdoor spaces – seemingly untouched by society) only allows this cancer to grow into a larger problem. Just as COVID-19 managed to infiltrate every societal crevasse, so too will failure to address the need for policy and police reform. This is on you. You can help make this country better. Don’t know where to start? Start by saying you care and that you aren’t okay with the state of this country. We don’t just vote for the President and Congress. We vote for judges, mayors, governors, district attorneys, and sheriffs. Local authorities hold a lot of power (e.g. the current pandemic) – it’s not just about Washington DC. So support Black Lives Matter, support the National Police Accountability Project, educate those who are choosing to focus on looting and rioting instead of why these things are happening in the first place. Much love, friends. -Mac #blacklivesmatter

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