Winter Hiking Advice.
Always remember a few simple rules when going on a hike to stay safe. It’s better to be prepared by having the correct equipment and brightly coloured clothing. Try to avoid hiking in the dark but if you do, remember to take a flashlight or headlamp. Always tell someone where you are planning to walk and some idea of the time you expect to return just in case you get lost or come into difficulty. At least then they will be able to raise the alarm and know where to start searching for you.
I thought it would be a good idea to do a winter hike during a big snowfall. I imagined it would be quiet, sparkling, mesmerizing. And it was quiet – but also dark and gray and creepy.
The first mistake I made was not planning ahead. I had intended to do a snowy hike after the Thanksgiving blizzard we received, but then I neglected to pick a spot until another one was already in full force.
I chose to go to White Cliff Nature Preserve, or White Cliff Fen, in Egg Harbor. I had never been there before and was excited to try something new. I followed my GPS to Harbor Heights Road, an unplowed road leading down into the trees.
Snow-covered trees lined Harbor Heights Road in Egg Harbor. Photo by Celeste Benzschawel. I thought it would be a good idea to do a winter hike during a big snowfall. I imagined it would be quiet, sparkling, mesmerizing. And it was quiet – but also dark and gray and […]
View Original Article at https://doorcountypulse.com/winter-hiking-advice-for-people-who-dont-go-winter-hiking/